Bitbanging 1D Reversible Automata

One Dimensional Reversible Automata
I created a demo for the GFXPrim library. It
implements and displays a nearest-neighbor, one-dimensional, binary
cell automata. Additionally it implements a reversible automata,
which is almost identical except for a small change to make it
reversible. The automata is displayed over time in two dimensions,
time travels from top to bottom. Although in the reversible case
time could be played backwards.

The automata works as follows:
- Each cell has a state, which is on or off, black or white,
boolean etc. - At each time step, the state of a cell in the next step is
chosen by a rule. - The rule looks at a cell’s current value and the values of its
left and right neighbors. - There are 23 = 8
possible state combinations (patterns) for 3 binary cells. - A rule states which patterns result in a black cell in the next
time step. - There are 28 = 256
possible rules. That is, 256 unique combinations of patterns.

So a pattern is a 3 digit binary number, where each digit
corresponds to a cell. The middle digit is the center cell, the high
order bit the left cell, the low order bit the right cell. A rule
can be display by showing a row of patterns and a row of next
Above is rule 110
, 0x6e
. It essentially says to match patterns
, 101
, 011
, 001
. Where a pattern match results in
the cell being set to 1 at the next time step. If no pattern is
matched or equivalently, an inactive pattern is matched, then the
cell will be set to 0.
Again note that each pattern resembles a 3bit binary number. Also
the values of the active patterns resemble an 8bit binary number. We
can use this to perform efficient matching of the patterns using
binary operations.
Let’s assume our CPU natively operates on 64bit integers (called
words). We can pack a 64 cell automata into a single 64bit
integer. Each bit corresponds to a cell. If a bit is 1
then it is a black cell and 0
for white. In this case
we are using integers as bit fields. We don’t care about the integer
number the bits can represent.

The CPU can perform bitwise operations on all 64bits in parallel
and without branching. This means we can perform a single operation
64 times in parallel.
If we rotate (wrapped >>
) all bits to the right by one,
then we get a new integer where the left neighbor of a bit is now in
its position. Likewise if we shift all bits to the left, then we get
an integer representing the right neighbors. This gives us 3
integers where the left, center and right bits are in the same
position. For example, using only 8bits:
left: | 0100 1011 | >> |
center: | 1001 0110 | |
right: | 0010 1101 | << |
Each pattern can be represented as a 3bit number, plus a 4th bit
to say whether it is active in a given rule. As we want to operate
on all 64bits at once in the left, right and center bit fields. We
can generate 64bit long masks from the value of each bit in
a given pattern.
So if we have a pattern where the left cell should be one, then
we can create a 64bit mask of all ones. If it should be
zero, then all zeroes. Likewise for the center and right cells. The
masks can be xor’ed (^
with the corresponding cell fields to show if no match occurred.
That is, if the pattern is one and the cell is zero or the cell is
one and the pattern is zero. We can invert this (~
) to
give one when a match occurs.
To see whether all components (left, right, center) of a pattern
matches we can bitwise and (&
) them
together. We can then bitwise or
) the result of the pattern matches together to
produce the final values.

If we wish to operate on an automata larger than 64 cells, then
we can combine multiple integers into an array. After performing the
left and right shifts, we get the high or low bit from the next or
previous integers in the array. Then set the low and high bits of
the right and left bit fields. In other words we chain them together
using the end bits of the left and right bit fields.
For illustration purposes, below is the kernel of the
the automata algorithm.